
Waking Up Is Hard To Do

Every morning my subconscious and conscious minds battle to the death over what time is appropriate for my body to wake. I know my subconscious is just looking out for my general health and sanity by fulfilling a 7-hour requirement, but unfortunately, at this point in life, my paycheck ranks higher on the list of survival priorities.

Nevertheless, almost every morning I find myself dead to the world—with an iHome blaring angrily into my ear—as the minutes tick by and I'm late again. I can't quite explain how this is possible, but there are plenty of people you can ask who have witnessed this phenomenon first-hand since I was a teenager (I'm sorry, Mom, but it really wasn't my fault!). Turning the volume up louder and louder doesn't seem to do any more for me, other than making my girlfriend want to beat me over the head with it.

I'd like to take a moment and apologize to my sweet, loving and patient girlfriend for dealing with my ludicrously loud (and louder) alarm clocks over the years. I don't know how you do it, because I surely would have killed me by now. xo

So, as step 1 in my quest to further my career, I'm determined to discover a wake-up call that actually works for me (I mean, let's face it —How can I expect to be successful in my career if I can't even manage to wake up!?)Now I can't get too crazy, since I'm financially limited to using only my household items, so I'll have to apply a little creativity.

I keep seeing these wrist watches advertised that actually monitor your sleep patterns, then wake you up by vibrating at the "optimum time." It doesn't sound too far-fetched to me since I've also seen a couple of other alarm devices that vibrate, like the vibrating pillow and another gadget that vibrates your entire mattress. I actually respond really well when someone gives me a little tap to wake up, so that could very well be my solution. The problem is I don't really have the money to invest in this. So I started thinking and suddenly realized I have an iPhone that is perfectly capable of vibrating!

Starting tonight/tomorrow I'm going to implement this new method into my morning wake-up routine. I'm not sure if the native alarm app actually vibrates, but I'm willing to spend the $1-2 for an app that will fully utilize this miracle vibrating function. Also, since my phone is a bit cumbersome to wear on my wrist/arm, I'm going to start with placing it under my pillow.

It's time for sleep so I'll let you all know how well this little experiment works out in the morning, as well as some ridiculously crazy stories of the dirty tricks my subconscious pulls on me just to keep me asleep! ;-)

-Posted in bed from my iPhone (so please forgive me speeling tyops)

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