
Rising From The Dead

Look! It's moving. It's alive. It's alive... It's alive, it's moving, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!

I woke up on time today. I woke up at the actual time my alarm went off.
And I only snoozed once (or twice).

This feels just short of a miracle to me, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high in the event this was simply a fluke. Whether or not this whole vibrating concept actually works will require additional testing. For round one I still used my iHome alarm on blast in addition to the phone. I found a fantastic little free app that comes with a ton of settings (I'm tempted to buy the full version now!), and I elected to use a classic beeping feature on it, as well as the vibration. I'm hoping in the long run I won't need the beeping, but I just wanted to be safe.

So I awoke this morning to an orchestra of beeping, vibrating and Lindsay Lohan (don't judge me), and I have to say that it wasn't that bad. I must admit though, that initial buzz kind of scared the shit out of me and shocked my eyes wide open—but it worked! Just so you can fully understand what I have been going through my whole life, I'll share some of my most bizarre morning adventures this week...

I like girls that wear Abercrombie & Fitch...
I had a ring-tone years ago that played the chorus of LFO's "Summer Girls" single. I decided at some point to start using it as my alarm, figuring there's no way I could ignore something so godawful annoying. Well my ever-so-clever subconscious decided to play a vicious trick on me... One night/morning I had the craziest dream that involved giving a eulogy at someone's funeral. As I approached the podium to begin my reading, a song starts playing over the loudspeaker. Yes, you guessed it, LFO's "Summer Girls" began playing during the funeral services. I laugh off this silly mistake and continue on. Later on throughout the "day" I hear it again and again, until I finally turn to person I'm walking with—in my dream—and delcare "Wow, this song has been coming up an awful lot today!" Needless to say I was late to work that day, and when I told my boss what really happened, he kind of stood there in awe for a moment before issuing me yet another citation, warning me of impending termination.

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