
Reflections From The Train

My savings account has increased over 1000% in the last 5 days. Now isn't that an impressive number?! I have gone from a mere $0.67 to a whopping $7.00! At this rate I should be a millionaire in no time! No really though, I actually opened that new Orange savings account a few days ago and started myself off with a grand total of $7.00. It's not much, but it's a start. I also set up an automatic withdrawal from my checking account for $10.00 a week on the day I get paid. I plan on increasing that amount when I feel secure enough in my finances, but for now I'll stick with what I feel is safe. One day I'll catch up to my little sister (who we are still convinced has the first dollar she ever received).

I also finally answered those collection calls, mostly due to the inspirational text messages from my Dad telling me to "man up." The bastards were calling my parent's house too, so now I'm really curious to know what the daily totals were! For now my phone has stopped ringing, hinged on promises of payment tomorrow. I've been telling everyone they'll get their money tomorrow... Oh, and rent is due Tuesday.

I feel it's necessary to note that as I write this post on the train, a guy just walked by wearing a hat with cat ears (just another dirty-looking hipster jackass, I suppose). I think I'm going to start a new section on this blog about the crazy shit I see every week while riding the New Jersey Transit rail. And just as I finished the last sentence, I looked to my right and spotted another gem. Here's a smart-looking guy, wearing a business suit and fancy watch, with his iPod wrapped in a leather Burberry case, drinking a super-sized can of Budweiser out of a paper bag... is something wrong with this picture, or is it really just me? People from Jersey are just so classy.

I'm working on my weight-loss update right now (it involves the Devil and $3.00). In the meantime, please leave your thoughts and comments on whether or not you're enticed to hear more about my daily train adventures. ;-)

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