
Back At Square One

So I suppose the proper way to start a blog is with an explanation of why the hell I'm here and what I plan on doing about it. For the attention-deficit crowd, here's the short story: I've been out of college for over a year without nearly as much career advancement as a 25-year-old would hope for, I'm waste deep in debt with NO savings, I haven't been taking very good care of myself, and I'm using the promising year of 2011 to change all of that (Sound familiar!? That's because it's the story of nearly every damn college grad in the last 5 years). For those of you looking for the long story (or at least trying to further relate yourselves to my troubles), please read on.

From the above laundry list of "areas in need of improvement" I gather three major topics: Success, Wealth & Health. Some of you may notice one tragically important thing missing... Love. Well I'm happy to report that's the one section of life that I have under control!

My plan is to tackle each of these areas step by step, little by little. Each week I'm going to declare a goal in each of the 3 areas and fulfill it to the best of my abilities. I've never been one to fail at any project thrown my way, so I'm going to take a lesson from myself and stop failing so hard at life. By blogging about my endeavors I'm hoping it'll be the kick in the ass I need, the pressure that pushes me to succeed. I can't just tell the world I'm going to do something and then leave them hanging! I don't want to call it an "obligation" because that has a nasty negative connotation to it, and I want this to be a positive experience that will force me to grow into the individual I know I can be --strong, confident and successful.

I'll provide more background story (and those fun little anecdotes) as we move along, but for now I have to get to sleep! Goodnight ;-)

- Posted in bed from my iPhone (so please forgive any terrible spelling/grammar errors)

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