
Chocolate Chip Cookies and Bananas

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces. - Judith Viorst, author of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I visited my family yesterday. They were all really supportive of my plan to get in shape, but of course only after breaking my balls. After all, it was my last day of junk food, so why not go out with a bang and add another 5lbs to the total?!

The first stop on the tour was McDonald's for brunch. I strategically chose my last grease-laden meal, a McDouble and nuggets, and waved my goodbyes to the Golden Arches as I drove away. I was careful to order my cheeseburger with no onions, because since it was going to be my last, it better damn well be made my way. It was perfect. The savory combination of meat, cheese, ketchup and pickle rolled over my tongue and tickled my taste buds with delight. This is going to suck. I said a silent farewell to my cheesy friend as I came upon the last few bites and washed it down with a Vitamin Water.

The next stop was my girlfriend's parents. In celebration of my "last day" she decided to break out the most delicious cookies ever created by man. They may have been a total ripoff of the Girl Scouts' Samoas, but they were damn near identical in taste. After I housed down half a box, she decided to take out her pendulum and ask it some questions about ours lives, if Natalie Portman and the Black Swan would win the Oscars, and some other silly and serious things. Then she decided to ask the spirits if I would actually begin my new diet and work-out plan on Monday like I planned --and they said NO!! Can you believe that? Even the spirit-world is trying to bust my balls! So, now I really have to go through with this today, if even just to prove my angels wrong. Thanks for the support guys!

The third and final stop was dinner at my parent's house. The menu included chicken, fettuccine alfredo, potatoes, corn and green beans, and it was absolutely fantastic. My mother then decided to bake some two-dozen chocolate chip cookies out of the blue, and we once-again celebrated my last day. Now do you understand where the extra 5lbs are coming from? Before I left, I was presented with a lovely parting gift of bananas. Thanks, Mom! Fill me up with cookies and then send me off with a bunch of bananas... It was a much appreciated gift though, considering I decided to start my diet today without taking into consideration the fact that I haven't gone shopping for any healthy food yet. This week might be a bit rough, but at least I'll have bananas.

Well after all of that ordeal, I managed to start off my day pretty O.K. I really wanted a banana for breakfast (ha!), but they were still green so I'll try again tomorrow. On my way to work I opted for a non-fat yogurt & fruit parfait to accompany my grande chai latte. I was really proud of myself for ordering a grande (medium), since I've been on the venti (large) size cup for some time now. Cutting down to the smaller size not only saves a few calories, but some money as well. Maybe one day I'll be able to kick my Starbucks addiction, but that's kind of difficult when I pass five of them on my way into work (literally). When I get home I plan on hitting the gym and starting my new running routine. I was offered some really helpful advice from a friend who showed me the "couch to 5k" training program. After looking it over I immediately decided this was perfect for me, considering I was sitting on the couch when I clicked that link.

Here goes nothing... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Go Jess :) I'm routing for ya. Starbucks is a serious addiction and now it is an even worse addiction that I'm in the city! You can also try the "skinny" drinks they sell, since they are about half the calories and taste the same.
