
There's An App For Fat!

I really don't think I need buns of steel.  I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon.  -Ellen DeGeneres

It was a slow walk up the stairs to the train platform today. Since Monday, I've thoroughly convinced myself that stairs are the Devil's creation. I completed Day 3 / Week 1 of the couch to 5k workout this morning, and my legs have been rather unforgiving. Ironically enough, although they're wobbling like jello as they carry me around, they somehow feel stronger at the same time. Maybe it's all in my head, but I'm feeling really good.

I managed to make it to Day 3 of the workout plan with the aid of a fantastic little $3.00 app on my iPhone by the name of C25K. It tells me when to run and walk and even when I'm halfway through. I'm considering this $3.00 as a good investment, because I would totally cheat if I had to rely on myself to command my jiggling thighs to pick up the pace. I also downloaded an awesome free app called Lose It! that I use to log my daily food intake. It's easier to make smart meal decisions when I'm forced to stare at the calorie/fat count in big red letters, making me feel guilty and silently chanting fatty, fatty, fatty! Both apps also let me log my weight (among other stats), which hasn't been much of a motivator since the number hasn't budged one fucking decimal.

I've been doing really, really great with my diet this week. I've safely avoided temptation numerous times, and I have to give myself a pat on the back for that. It hasn't been easy watching other people consume the greasy deliciousness that I love most in this world. There's even a bag of potato chips still in the cabinet that I've fantasized having an affair with one too many times, but thankfully haven't touched. My self-control was really tested last night when we had a few friends over. Unbeknownst to me, there was a pizza ordered. I looked onward, biting my lip as the offenders chowed down on the heaven-sent combination of cheese, sauce and crust without a care in the world. But that was nothing! I wasn't even hungry since my love brought home my favorite baja chicken soup for my dinner.No, the real kicker was when that enticing, seductive potato chip bag sprang from the cupboard and made its way to the couch. It taunted me, begging to be touched as my friends reached inside and pulled out crisp pieces of deep fried potato. I almost cracked a couple of times, envisioning how good it would feel to let the salty snack dissolve in my mouth, but somewhere inside I found the will to resist its lure. In yo' face!

Most addictions take a good three weeks to get over. That means I only have two more weeks of suffering before I can confidently say "no thank you" and no longer have to feel like pull of temptation.I know it will still be out there, and the chocolates and chips will still call out for me, but I'll be just a little bit better at tuning them out and picking up a carrot stick instead.

I also need to start adding in some more exercises to my routine than just a 3-day run each week. I'm going to use the off days to work on my muscle tone (or lack-there-of) and crunch my abs back into existence. I know they're still in there somewhere. I also want to set a new goal: being able to do at least one chin-up by the end of February. My upper-body has always been my weakness, and I've never done a single chin-up or pull-up in my life. I'm determined to make this happen. I'll have to start with gaining the ability to do a normal push-up, which usually takes me about a week or so, and then build up that strength until I can finally succeed in pulling my chin over that damn bar. Hoorah!!

Please leave your words of encouragement and/or advice below. I always welcome a second opinion. ;-)


  1. I resisted mcdonalds today, mainly bc im broke. Haha go us :)

  2. its best to think of the diet as a "lifestyle change" the word diet just makes you want to over analyze everything. it is very hard to stay away from the awesome food of yester-year but we need to be hotties by summer time! haha<3 nikki
